vector topology

网络  向量拓扑



  1. Plane vector field visualization using topology analysis method
  2. The algorithm took transmission time vector between nodes as input, and a model was established by KLPP, which can reflect partial information network topology structure.
  3. Vector field topology simplification is another research topic brought into focus in recent years.
  4. To implement topology tracking methods, vector filed topology analysis which can extract and classify topological features is needed.
  5. Generic stability of the weak efficient solutions of vector optimization problems with set-valued maps in the consistent Topology Case
  6. Generic Stability of the Weakly Efficient Solutions in Vector Optimization Problems in Epigraph Topology Case
  7. As levels organize the graphic information, a new concept vector branch is provided and the steps of describing the original distribution network topology by vector branch are discussed. The topology analysis method based on vector branch is the innovation on theory in this paper.
  8. This paper presents a method for converting raster data into vector data based upon topology and differential geometry.
  9. This paper address the two basic problems mentioned above, limit cycle extraction and vector field topology simplification.
  10. We prove the existence of an equilibrium in a production economy where the commodity space is a vector lattice endowed with a locally-convex topology.
  11. When the contour data are compressed into vector, analyzed by topology and given the elevation value, the contour data has been structured reasonably according to the knowledge of topographic map.
  12. This paper addresses the summary and comparison for the current development of planar vector field visualization, and introduces the topology analysis which is new technique to globally visualize vector field, and it can concentrate on important structures and interesting regions of vector field;
  13. Boolean vector is used to represent assembly priority order, and automatic assembly task planning is realized by means of topology sorting algorithm of graph.
  14. SVG ( Scalable Vector Graphics) is introduced to the network topology management module, and a SVG based model of network topology display system is presented. The specific module design and realization method are given respectively with regard to data analysis and graphical display.
  15. Production economies equilibria in an vector lattices endowed with a locally-convex topology
  16. These data consist of scalar data ( temperature, pressure, etc) and vector data ( velocity, etc), which are commonly defined on unstructured grids with complex topology.
  17. The topology vector of power electronic circuits can be used to fulfil topology identification and fault diagnosis.
  18. Vector information includes geometry information, attribute information and topology information. Geometry information is characterized based on spatial entities, and topology information is characterized based on topology rules.
  19. According to Vector Control topology of Asynchronous Motor, in this thesis paper I used one kind of feed back non-liner compensation method based on double closed loop control structure where outer loop control the target and inner one control the current.
  20. The security of vector geographical has been enhanced by the topology rules, and at the same time the availability of vector geographic data is maintained in the local encryption and decryption process.
  21. It defines a branch vector to satisfy the topology configuration of distribution network. GSO is integrated into the update method of branch vector.
  22. Based upon all above-mentioned, a mathematical representation for multi-material structures is proposed by means of vector level sets, and the general structure topology optimization can be expressed by a constrained functional minimization problem of a set of level set functions.
  23. The paper mainly analyzes the circuit structure, the voltage vector space, SVPWM control algorithm of dual three-level inverter power supplied open-end winding topology.
  24. Specially analyses the Space Vector Modulation strategy. By given the equivalent AC/ DC/ AC topology of matrix converter, modulates on part of equivalent VSI and VSR with space vector. On the base of this the indirect Space Vector Modulation is obtained.
  25. Based on above, the control strategy of the two-level inverter in permanent magnet synchronous motor is studied. Thirdly, the principle of Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation ( SVPWM) method for the three-level topology is researched detailedly.